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Journal Articles

Refresh project of virtual reality system for education and training

Numata, Masaaki; Ogura, Yuichi*; Nakagawa, Yosuke; Inoue, Naoko

Dai-41-Kai Nihon Kaku Busshitsu Kanri Gakkai Nenji Taikai Kaigi Rombunshu (Internet), 3 Pages, 2020/11

JAEA/ISCN is actively using a virtual reality (VR) system for training in nuclear non-proliferation safeguards and nuclear security. The VR system allows participants to experience the environment of a nuclear power plant and a research reactor in a cyber space. It is beneficial for the participants who have never been in a nuclear power plant to see how they are even virtually, in order to learn their physical protection system. Workstations of OS for VR use Windows7 and the warrantee protection period expired in March 2020. For that reason, it was decided to renew those workstations over 2019-2020. This paper will describe its planning called "Refresh Project", which aims to minimize impacts on training and visitors, as well as first year achievement.

Journal Articles

Construction of virtual reality system for radiation working environment reproduced by gamma-ray imagers combined with SLAM technologies

Sato, Yuki; Minemoto, Kojiro*; Nemoto, Makoto*; Torii, Tatsuo

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 976, p.164286_1 - 164286_6, 2020/10

 Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:87.35(Instruments & Instrumentation)

Journal Articles

Full operation of JAEA Naraha Remote Technology Development Center

Daido, Hiroyuki

Hozengaku, 15(3), p.20 - 25, 2016/10

Naraha Remote Technology Development Center is open for various users to contribute to recovery of the coast area of Fukushima as well as the decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. The center is located within a distance of 20 km from the Fukushima Daiichi station. This is the first development center funded by the Government near the Fukushima Daiichi. Many people expect that the center plays a significant role to contribute to the decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi and recovery of Fukushima area from the hazards. The author describe details of the facility and our plan.

Journal Articles

Naraha Remote Technology Development Center and robots for nuclear disaster

Kawatsuma, Shinji

Dekomisshoningu Giho, (54), p.24 - 33, 2016/09

It has passed more than five years than Tokyo Electric Power Company's Fukushima Daiichi NPPs accidents occurred by huge tsunamis caused by the earthquake in Pacific Ocean Coast of North East District on March 11, 2011. It is very hard for workers to enter and stay for long time to work for decommissioning, because the radiation dose rate in the reactor buildings is too high to extremely high caused by radioactive materials released. Then the Naraha Remote Development Center has been constructed and taken into full operation in April 2016, which center would accelerate the development of remote technologies conducting decommissioning on the behalf of workers. The center is developing robot simulator system and robot performance testing method which could support developing remote operating equipment and devices. Also the center is preparing and operating remote equipment and devices for nuclear emergency response.

Journal Articles

Lecture of Super Science Highschool on Nishiyamato-gakuen; Trial of education of programing, visualization, VR

Ueshima, Yutaka

i-Net, (13), p.6 - 9, 2005/05

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Parallel volume rendering on immersive projection technology

Nakajima, Norihiro; Ono, Nobuaki*; Suzuki, Yoshio*; Kureta, Masatoshi*

Denki Gakkai Rombunshi, C, 124(10), p.2197 - 2198, 2004/10

Our research interest is to implement volume rendering on CAVE system at enough frame rate. It can be implemented on CAVE easily using texture mapping but there are some defects; for example frame rate declines when the view point is close to the data and images projected to the screens become big. Thus we try to find another way to implement it on CAVE. Considering that Onyx300 is a parallel computer and there are some algorisms of volume rendering which improve the frame rate, we make the program that draws stereo images through two of the algorisms and by parallel computing, and displays only two images on CAVE. And we confirm that this program works well and draws stereo images at sufficient frame rates.

Journal Articles

Education of programming and visualization using of 3DAVS-Player and Portable VR in the Nishiyamato-Gakuen SSH project

Ueshima, Yutaka

Kashika Joho (CD-ROM), 24(Suppl.3), 6 Pages, 2004/10

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Invitation to the light world

Ueshima, Yutaka; Nishimura, Akihiko

Ishikawa e-Saiensu 2002 Kyokasho, 32 Pages, 2002/07

no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Development of a Virtual Reality system for nuclear security training

Yamaguchi, Yasuo; Hanai, Tasuku

no journal, , 

The Integrated Support Center for Nuclear nonproliferation and Nuclear Security (ISCN) under the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) began the development of Virtual Reality (VR) training system for the purpose of teaching trainees nuclear security. ISCN set up two VR training courses by 2013. One is for teaching a nuclear security system of nuclear plants. The VR training system allows trainees to have virtual experiences visiting a nuclear plant. Through these experiences, trainees are able to learn how physical protection systems work in the plant. The course focuses on learning fundamental knowledge and is suitable for trainees having little experiences in the field of nuclear security. The other is for teaching fundamental skills corresponding to a contingency plan in a Central Alarm Station (CAS) of nuclear power plant. Computers of the VR training system deploy an intrusion scenario in a virtual space. Trainees in a group sit in front of 3-D screens and play a role play game in a virtual CAS. Through the exercise, trainees are able to learn skills necessary to the contingency case of nuclear plants. In my presentation, I will introduce the two training courses, advantages and disadvantages of the VR training system, reactions of trainees and future plans.

Oral presentation

Current activities of human capacity building support by ISCN/JAEA

Suzuki, Mitsutoshi; Noro, Naoko; Naoi, Yosuke

no journal, , 

Since 2011, we have performed the capacity-building activities in the field of nuclear nonproliferation and nuclear security that are mainly focused on the East Asian countries. In this presentation, we will report the overall outcomes so far, recent trend, and the challenging.

Oral presentation

Lessons learned from a 7 year-use of VR system as a training tool for Nuclear Security and Safeguards

Hanai, Tasuku; Rodriguez, P.

no journal, , 

The Integrated Support Center for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Nuclear Security (ISCN), of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), has been involved in strengthening the capacity-building efforts of the Asian region. ISCN provides training courses for capacity-building through human resource development. ISCN has developed several training curriculums involving VR technology and has been using them in regular courses since 2012. For efficient development, the existence of engineers who helped with communications between software programmers and trainers of the relevant training is important. As the themes of the training become more specialized, a larger budget and more time for development may be required however the number of potential users may be reduced. Therefore, a careful feasibility study is necessary before developing the training curriculums. VR technology can make a contribution to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of training. It is important to combine the use of real equipment and/or real facilities with the use of VR technology.

Oral presentation

Development of the virtual reality (VR) training material for uranium fuel fabrication facility in safeguard course

Sekine, Megumi; Tatsuno, Takaharu; Mizuedani, Miku; Siregar, V.; Hayakawa, Tsuyoshi; Kawakubo, Yoko; Noro, Naoko; Inoue, Naoko

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

13 (Records 1-13 displayed on this page)
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